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Sermons 2018

Sermons 2018

2018Preached by:Sermon title and ReadingsSound file. MP3Korean translation. PDF
January 14 PMElder B Borger"Walking in the Light" 1 John 2:2-17; John 1:1-18 by Stephen 'tHartOpen
January 14 AMElder J Posthuma"Putting it into Practice" Romans 8:1-17 (Text: Romans 8:12,13) by G I WilliamsonOpen열다
January 21 PMPastor D Wilson"Know Your Hope!" Theme: God uses suffering to advance His Kingdom/Gospel! Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Acts 27:1-28:16, Philippians 1:12-26Open
January 21 AMPastor D Wilson"What is Faith?!"Theme: Faith is God’s gift of a Saving Knowledge of, Certainty in, and Dependence upon Jesus as Our Substitute and Savior. Romans 8:1-17 (Text: Romans 8:12,13)Open열다
January 28 PMRev J Haverland"Do not Judge" Romans 14:1-13; 2 Samuel 12:1-10. (Text: Matthew 7:1-6)Open
January 28 AMPastor D Wilson"Blessings not Bruises" Theme: Counting Blessings instead of Bruises encourages Joy in the Believer! Phil. 4:1-9, Phil. 1:12-26Open열다
February 04 PMPastor D Wilson"Creeds are Vital!" Theme: God’s Word requires Creeds & Con-fessions to guard the purity of the Faith! Text: Luke 1:1-4, 2 Timothy 1:8-14Open
February 04 AMPastor D Wilson"Living for Christ" Theme: A Christ-centered perspective leads to Christian Optimism and Obedience! Text: Philippians 1:12-30Open열다
February 11 PMPastor D Wilson"Trinitarian Survey of the Bible!" Theme: God’s Word Teaches that there is one True God in three persons: Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. Text: Matt. 28:18-20Open
February 11 AMPastor D Wilson"Living for Christ - Part 2" Theme: A Christ-entered perspective leads to Christian Optimism and Obedience! Text: Philippians 1:12-30Open열다
February 18 PMPastor D Wilson"The Truly Heavenly Father" Theme: The gracious character of God the Father affects how you life your life. Text: Matthew 6:19-34, 7:7-12Open
February 18 AMPastor D Wilson"Christ as Your Life" Two themes: Christ lived to save you from your sins! Christ's Life transforms your view of life and Death! Text: Philippians 1:12-30 (vs.21)Open열다
February 25 PMPastor R Sparks“The Mission Continues” Theme of Service: Empowered by the Holy Spirit. Scripture Reading: Acts 1:1-14.Open
February 25 AMPastor D Wilson"God's Eggs and Ham" Theme: God is worthy of your Trust; for He is ever faithful. Reading: 1 Samuel 21:1-22:1, Text: Psalm 34Open열다
March 04 PMPastor D Wilson"Rest Secure!" Theme: Your God is Good, & you can rest, knowing that He is worthy of your Hope & Trust! Text: Psalm 131Open열다
March 04 AMPastor D Wilson"Since...Not If" Theme: God’s gifts to you in Christ lead to unity, selfless love, and humble service! Text: Philippians 1:21-2:11Open열다
March 11 PMPastor D Wilson"Jesus Saves!" Theme: Jesus was the Greater Joshua. Text: Matthew 1:18-25Open열다
March 11 AMPastor D Wilson"The Joyful Gift of Unity" Theme: God’s gifts to you in Christ lead to unity, selfless love, and humble service! Text: Philippians 1:27-2:11Open열다
March 18 PMPastor D Wilson"Truly Divine Human!" Theme: Jesus became truly human in order to destroy sin, death and the devil as our great high priest. Philippians 2:1-11; Text: Hebrews 2:14-18Open열다
March 18 AMPastor D Wilson"Covenant Blessings" Theme: Covenant Members are included in God’s Covenant Promises in Christ and must be treated as such! Ephesians 2:11-22; Text: Acts 2:37-47Open열다
March 25 PMPastor D Wilson"Hell? ... Sorted!" Theme: Christ suffered the Hellish Wrath of God with all its terrors/pain – so that you wouldn’t have to! Isaiah 52:13-53; Luke 22:39-46; Luke 23:32-49; Galatians 3:10-14Open열다
March 25 AMPastor D Wilson"The Commanding Example of Christ" Theme: God requires/commands Chris-tians to adopt Christ’s attitude of Humility. John 1:1-13; Text: Philippians 2:1-11 (vs.5-7)Open열다
March 30 Good FridayPastor D Wilson"Even Death on a Cross". Isaiah 53:1-12;Mark 15:1-21;Mark 15:22-47;Text: Philippians 2:1-11Open열다
April 01 PMPastor A Holtslag“Why Must We Do Good?” Theme: Five Reasons Why Prac-ticing Sin is so Wicked and Why Practising Righteousness is so Necessary. Text: 1 John 3:4-10Open
April 01 AMPastor D Wilson“Christ’s Reward” Matthew 7:13-29; Luke 24:1-12, 36-53; Philippians 2:1-11,(Text 9-11)Open열다
April 08 PMPastor D Wilson"Christ 3 Offices in 1" Christ was baptized with water & the Spirit in preparation for His 3-fold office of Prophet, Priest, and King. Reading: Psalm 110; Matthew 3:13-17Open열다
April 08 AMPastor D Wilson"The Obedient Fear of the Beloved" Theme: True Christians will LIVE their faith in God’s strength as Joyful witnesses for Christ. Text: Philippians 1:27-2:18 (vs.12)Open열다
April 15 PMPastor D Wilson"Your Glorious Adoption" Theme: If you belong to Christ, then you are a Son and Heir of God! Readings: Ephesians 1:11-23; Galatians 3:26-4:7Open열다
April 15 AMPastor D Wilson"God's Gospel Garlic" True Christians will LIVE their faith in God’s strength as Joyful witnesses for Christ. Text: Philippians 2:1-18 (vs.12-13)Open열다
April 22 PMElder B Borger"Lazarus and the Rich Man" Text Luke 16:19-31Open
April 22 AMRev F van Hulst" Banking on God's Promises." Reading: Genesis 49:28-33 and chapter 50Open
April 29 PMDr Phillip Scheepers; "Last Words to Live By" Reading: Acts 20:17-38Open
April 29 AMPastor D Wilson"Gospel Lights Shining Brightly" Reading: 1 Cor.10:1-14; Text: Philippians 1:27-2:18 (vs.14-16)Open열다
May 06 PMElder J van Wichen"Comprehensive Prayer".Theme: We must persevere in all kinds of Prayer. Text: Ephesians 6:18 (Sermon by Rev: J Haverland)Open열다
May 06 AMElder W BredemeijerWWJD or WDJD? "The Temptations of Jesus" Matthew 3:13-4:11. ( written by Rev. Todd Bordow),Open열다
May 13 PMPastor D Wilson"He Ascended... So What?!" Readings: Romans 8; Acts 1:6-11, John 14:15-27Open열다
May 13 AMPastor D Wilson"Gospel Lights Shining Brightly - Part #2" Reading: Ephesians 4:17-5:1; Text: Philippians 2:12-18Open열다
May 20 PMPastor D Wilson"The Comfort of Judgment" Readings: Psalm 37; Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12Open열다
May 20 AMPastor D Wilson"Joyful Sacrifices" Readings: Romans 12; Text: Philippians 2:12-18 (vs. 16-18)Open열다
May 27 PMPastor D Wilson"Holy Spirit Primer" Readings: John 14:15-18, 25-27, 16:7-15Open열다
May 27 AMPastor D Wilson"Raising God's Covenant Chil-dren" Readings: Text: Deuteronomy 6:1-9Open열다
June 03 PMPastor Ryan Sparks“Keeping Gospel Urgency Alive” Readings: Acts 1:1-11; Text: Acts 15:36-16:10Open
June 03 AMPastor D Wilson"Repentance 101" Readings: Isaiah 55:6-11; Text: Psalm 32Open열다
June 10 PMElder D Petchell"Be Faithful" Readings: 3 John, Hebrews 5: 11 – 6: 12, Luke 12: 35-48. (Text Luke 12: 41 –48) Rev: J Haverland.Open
June 10 AMElder J Posthuma" The beginning of Wisdom" Readings 1 Cor 1:18-24; Text Proverbs 1 Rev: D WaldronOpen열다
June 17 PMElder B BorgerA distorted Gospel - beware!! Readings: Titus 2: Galatians 5:1-7Open열다
June 17 AMElder M CosterRemember the power of the Lord .Readings: Titus 2, Galatians 5:1-7Open열다
June 24 PMPastor D WilsonSermon: "God's Crowd..." Readings:Hebrews 11:32-12:2 ; 1 Cor. 12:12-31Open열다
June 24 AMPastor D Wilson"Character & Leadership (#1 of 2) Readings; Ephesians 4:17-32; Text: Phil. 2:19-30Open열다
July 01 PMPastor J Haverland" An Invitation" Readings Hosea 5; Text: Hosea 5:15-6:6Open
July 01 AMPastor D Wilson"Character & Leadership #2" Reading: Text: Phil. 2:19-30Open열다
July 08 PMPastor D Wilson"All Members of Christ are Important" Readings: 1 Cor. 13; 1 Cor.12:12-13:1Open열다
July 08AM Pastor D Wilson"Rejoicing, Rabbit Trails & Reminders" Reading: Text: Phil. 2:19-3:11Open열다
July 15 PMPastor D Wilson"Wonderful Forgiveness" readings:Romans 10:1-13 ; Psalm 103Open
July 15 AMPastor D Wilson"Your Worthless Works" Readings:Galatians 5:1-13 Text: Phil. 3:1-11Open열다
July 22 PMPastor D Wilson"Light at the End of the Tunnel" Reading: 1 Cor. 15:1-26 & I Cor. 15:35-58Open열다
July 22 AMPastor D Wilson"Oh... to Gain Christ!" Text: Phil. 3:7-21Open열다
July 29 PMPastor Ryan Sparks“Christ In Your Personal Relationships" Text: Colossians 3:16-4:1Open
July 29 AMPastor D Wilson"Press On!" Text: Phil. 3:12-16Open열다
Aug 05 PMElder J V Wichen“Thy will be Done” Readings: Psalm 40:1-10: Romans 11:33-12:2 and LD 49: Text Romans 12:1-2 (By Rev J Haverland)Open열다
Aug 05 AMElder M Bradley“Who is the Greatest” Reading: Luke 9:37-56 (Text 9:46-56)Open열다
Aug 12 PMVicar D StaresSeeking and Saving a Sinner. Readings: Leviticus 6:1-7; BC 17; Text: Luke 19: 1-10Open열다
Aug 12 AMVicar D StaresRefuge in the City of God Readings: Matthew 1:18-25; Psalm 46Open열다
Aug 19 PMPastor D Wilson"A Great Trade" readings: Isaiah 52:13-53:12; 2 Cor.5:11-21Open열다
Aug 19 AMPastor D Wilson"Perfection, Imitation & Destruction" Reading: Phil. 3:7-4:1 (vs.15-19 text)Open열다
Aug 26 PMPastor G Zuidema“God’s Grace Transforms the Church: with a sure foundation” Text: Titus 1:1-4Open
Aug 26 AMPastor D Wilson"Citizens of Heaven" Text: Phil. 3:7-4:1 (20-21)Open열다
Sept 02 PMBr F den Hartigh" A Community of the Forgiven " Ephesians 3:14-4:16 Text열다
Sept 02 AMElder W Bredemeijer" Anger in the Kingdom of Heaven " Matthew 5:21-26 TextOpen열다
Sept 7Pastor D WilsonThanksgiving Service. James Granville Reeve. Psalm 16:11. You have made known to the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Open
Sept 09 PMPastor M Willemse" Rule through work." Readings: Genesis 1:26-28; 2:8-15.Open열다
Sept 09 AMPastor M Willemse" Knowing and growing." Readings: Ps 89:1-8 Text: Psalm 89:1-2Open열다
Sept 16 PMPastor D Wilson"Our Works Stink!" Text Philippians 3:1-11Open
Sept 16 AMPastor D Wilson"A Fearless Faith in God" Text: Psalm 91Open열다
Sept 23 PMPastor A Holtslag“Are You Living for Jesus?” Text: John 6:60-71Open
Sept 23 AMPastor D Wilson"Joyful Unity in the Lord!" Philippians 4:1-9Open열다
Sept 26 Home Missions SeminarRev Paul MurphyHome Missions Seminar Matthew 28: 16-20Open
Sept 30 PMPastor D Wilson"Loving God, because He First Loved us!" Reading: 1 John 4:7-21Open
Sept 30 AMPastor D Wilson"Rejoice! No... Seriously, REJOICE!" Reading: Philippians 4:1-9Open열다
Oct 07 PMPastor D Wilson"Covenant and Sacraments" Reading: Genesis 17:1-14Open
Oct 07 AMPastor D Wilson"Gentleness based on Nearness" Reading: Philippians 3:17-4:9Open열다
Oct 14 PMPastor D Wilson"The Seal of Faith" Reading: Romans 4:1-17Open
Oct 14 AMPastor D Wilson"Anxiety transformed by Peace" Reading: Philippians 4:1-9 ( Sorry for missing part of the introduction)Open열다
Oct 21 PMPastor D Wilson"The reNEWed Covenant" reading: Acts 2:14-41 (Series on Baptism)Open
Oct 21 AMPastor D Wilson"Philippians Applied" Reading: Philippians 4:1-9Open열다
Oct 25Presentation by Mark James. Science and the Bible: Conflict or Confirmation?Open
Oct 28 PMElder M CosterNo catastrophic event will signal the end—So be watchful. Reading: Mark13 By T FlanaganOpen열다
Oct 28 AMElder J PosthumaGood Health (by Rev David Waldron) Reading: Prov 2:1-8, 16-25Open열다
Nov 04 PMPastor D Wilson"A Spiritual Sign". Reading: Ezekiel 36:25-28 ( Series on baptism)Open
Nov 04 AMPastor D Wilson"Christ Holds the Door!" Reading: Revelation 3:7-13Open열다
Nov 11 PMElder D Petchell“I Am the Vine.” Reading: John 15:1-8 (Text)Open열다
Nov 11 AMElder M Bradley“Cost of Discipleship” Luke 9:57 – 62 (text)Open열다
Nov 18 PMPastor D Wilson"The Mode with Meaning"reading: Hebrews 9 (text) (Series on Baptism)Open
Nov 18 AMPastor D Wilson"Accountability Based Submission" Reading: Hebrews 13:7-21 (vs.17) (Ordination of Jae Kim)Open열다
Nov 25 PMElder Jae Kim“No Angel of the Lord” Reading: Genesis 22:1–19Open열다
Nov 25 AMPastor D Wilson"Christ's Strength for Contentment!" THEME: God takes His children through all circumstances to teach them Contentment in Christ’s Strength! Reading: Philippians 4:1-14Open열다
Dec 02 PMPastor D Wilson"Gratitude & Generosity" Reading: Philippians 4:10-23
theme: True Christian Generosity is eternally worth it!
Dec 02 AMPastor D Wilson"Baptism Blessings!" Reading: Hebrews 10:1-25
How to apply the Gospel promises sealed by the sacrament of Baptism.
Dec 09 PMPastor D Wilson"Farewell, Family & Faith" Reading: Phil. 4:10-23Open열다
Dec 09 AMPastor D Wilson"The Solution to Bad Service!" Reading: Acts 6:1-7Open열다
Dec 16 PMPastor D Wilson"The REAL Passover Lamb" Reading: Exodus 12:1-30 + 43-50Open
Dec 16 AMPastor D Wilson"The Re-Creating Creator!" Reading: John 1:1-5Open열다
Dec 23 PMStudent intern: Josh Meinsma“God’s Eternal Purpose for us Now.” Reading: Romans 8:28-30Open
Dec 23 AMPastor D Wilson"The Rejected Light!" Reading: John 1:6-13Open열다
Christmas DayPastor D Wilson“Why Celebrate CHRISTmas?” Reading: John 1:1-18 (text vs. 14-18)Open열다
Dec 30 PMPastor D Wilson"Feeding on Christ" Text: 1 Cor. 10:1-22 Theme: The Lord's Supper is a participation in the body and blood of Christ.Open
Dec 30 AMPastor D Wilson"John the Witness" Text: John 1:6-7,15,19-37 Theme: John was God's witness to prepare the way for Christ, and when Christ came, he got out of the way.Open열다