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Sermons 2020

Sermons 2020

2020Preached by:Sermon title and ReadingsSound file. sermon only. MP3Korean translation. PDFVideo link.
27/12 AMElder J Ku"My help comes from the Lord" Psalm 121Open열다Watch Sermon
27/12 PMElder M Bradley"How are your eyes?"
Luke 11:29-36
OpenWatch Live Stream
Christmas DayPastor D Wilson"The Birth of True Hope!" Readings: Micah 4:1-7; 5:2-5a & Luke 2:21-40Watch Sermon (NO AUDIO - Sorry for the inconvenience)
20/12 AMPastor D Wilson“The Comforting Proof of Bethlehem” Text: Micah 5 Open열다Watch Sermon
20/12 PMPastor D Wilson“No Such thing as Luck!” Reading: Psalm 104; Isaiah 10:5-19OpenWatch Sermon
13/12 AMPastor D Wilson“Trusting God’s Plan through the Pain” Text: Micah 4 Open열다Watch Sermon
13/12 PMElder J Posthuma“Lady Wisdom reveals Christ” Text: Proverbs 8OpenWatch Sermon
06/12 AMElder J Ku‘Remembering The Future’ Readings: Isaiah 5:8-30 and Isaiah 11:1-10 ( Please note the opening slide is incorrect for a couple of minutes)Open열다Watch Sermon
06/12 PMBr D Petchell"The Righteousness of the Lord and His Laws" Psalm 119: 137-148 OpenWatch Sermon
29/11 AMPastor A de Vries“An unusual Christmas Card” Bible Reading: Revelation 12:1-6Open열다Watch Sermon
29/11 PMPastor P Boyd“A Spiritual Vision” Text: Ephesians 3:14-21OpenWatch Sermon
22/11 AMElder W Bredemeijer“The wisdom of desiring true beauty” Reading (first part): Proverbs 6:20-35 Reading (second part): Proverbs 7:1-27Open열다Watch Sermon
22/11 PMElder M Bradley“Ruler of the Ruler of Demons” (By Dr J Ligon Duncan) Reading: Luke 11:14-28OpenWatch Sermon
15/11 AMPastor D Wilson"A Gracious Glimpse" Reading: Micah 3:1-4:7Open열다Watch Sermon
15/11 PMPastor D Wilson"The Rise and Fall of Man" Readings: Westminster Confession 4:2; Genesis 3:1-7; Genesis 2:4-2:25OpenWatch Sermon
8/11 AMPastor D Wilson"Covenant Restoration!" Reading: Micah 7Open열다Watch Sermon
8/11 PMPastor D Wilson"True Origins" Westminster Confession Ch.4 art.1; Reading: Genesis 1:1-2:3OpenWatch Sermon
1/11 AMPastor D Wilson“One Hope, no excuses…”
Readings: Micah 2, Luke 12:49-53 Text: Micah 7:1-7
Open열다Watch Sermon
1/11 PMPastor P Boyd“The Lordship of the Lord" Colossians 1:15-20 OpenWatch Sermon
25/10 AMPastor D Wilson“The ‘Cannibal’ Confrontation” Reading: Micah 3 Text: Micah 6Open열다Watch Sermon
25/10 PMPastor D Wilson"Chosen By His Grace Alone" Readings: Ephesians 1:3-14, WCF chapter 3 Text: Romans 9:1-24OpenWatch Sermon
18/10 AMVicar N Rademaker"God's Guardian Angel" Reading: John 14:1-7 + 15-31 Text: Exodus 23:20-33Open열다Watch Sermon
18/10 PMElder J Posthuma“The Wisdom of Peaceful Relationships” Reading: Proverbs 16:27-30 Text: Proverbs 6:12-19OpenWatch Sermon
11/10 AMJack ku"An exceptional faith and a gracious Lord" Readings: Luke 7:1-10 & Matthew 8:5-13Open열다Watch Sermon
1/10 PMPastor P Boyd"The Wholeness of Being Known and Loved" Reading Colossians 1:9-23 Text Psalm 139OpenWatch Sermon
04/10 AMPastor D Wilson“ Christ, Not Cannibals!” Reading: Ezekiel 34:1-16 Text: Micah 3:1-12 Open열다Watch Sermon
04/10 PMElder Jae Kim“Our Calling as Christian Exiles” Scripture reading: 1 Peter 1:13–21OpenWatch Sermon
29/09 AMPastor D Wilson"Hard Words can Heal" Reading: Isaiah 43:1-15 Text: Micah 2:1-13 Open열다Watch Sermon
29/09 PMPastor D Wilson“God’s Eternal Decree” Reading: Westminster 3:1-2; 5:1-3 Text: Ephesians 1:1-14OpenWatch Sermon
20/09 AMPastor D Wilson"Coming to a City near You!" Reading: Jeremiah 26:1-19 Text: Micah 1:1-16Open열다Watch Sermon
20/09 PMPastor D Wilson“He doesn’t need you!” Reading: Psalm 50:7-15 Text: John 17OpenWatch Sermon
13/09 AMPastor D Wilson“Foundations and Fear” Reading: Psalm 56; Text: Psalm 11Open열다Watch Sermon
13/09 PMPastor D Wilson“The ‘Giving’ God ” Reading: Acts 4:1-14
Text: Psalm 103
OpenWatch Sermon
06/09 AMPastor D Wilson“Lessons of Compassion” Text: Jonah (whole book) Open열다Watch Sermon
06/09 PMPastor D Wilson“The ‘Wonderful’ God” Reading: Psalm 145OpenWatch Sermon
30/08 AMPastor D Wilson“Compassionate Confrontation” Reading: Matthew 12:38-42 Text: Jonah 3:10-4:11 Open열다Watch Sermon
30/08 PMPastor D Wilson“ The Embodiment of Sovereign Power ” Text: Isaiah 40:10-31 OpenWatch Sermon
23/08 AMPastor D Wilson“The God of Second Chances” Reading: Matthew 12:38-42
Text: Jonah 2:10-4:1 (chapter 3)
Open열다Watch Sermon
23/08 PMPastor D Wilson“The TRUE Jehovah” Reading: Isaiah 40:10-31; Text: Isaiah 44:6-20OpenWatch Sermon
16/08 AMPastor D Wilson"Salvation Belongs to the LORD!" Reading: Jonah 1:17-2:10Open열다Watch Sermon
16/08 PMPastor D Wilson“Scripture Interprets Itself ” Readings: 2 Peter 1:12-2:3, 3:1-18, WCF I:9-10 OpenWatch Sermon
09/08 AMPastor D Wilson“A Storm of Grace” Reading: Matt. 8:18-27, 12:38-42
Text: Jonah 1:1-17
Open열다Watch Sermon
09/08 PMPastor D Wilson“Lost in Translation?!” Reading: I Corinthians 14:6-19, WCF 1:8,
Text: Matthew 5:17-20
OpenWatch Sermon
02/08 AMPastor D Wilson"Commission Neglected" Reading: Jonah 1:1-6Open열다Watch Sermon
02/08 PMBr Jack Ku“The God Who Interrupts Paradise on Earth” Reading: Genesis 11:1-9OpenWatch Sermon
26/07 AMPastor D Wilson"Completing the Mission" Reading: Acts 14:21-28Open열다Watch Sermon
26/07 PMPastor D Wilson"Sufficient for all!" Reading: Psalm 19 (7-11)OpenWatch Sermon
19/07 AMPastor D Wilson“The Prayerful Response” Reading: Isaiah 37:14-29. Text: Acts 4:23-31Open열다Watch Sermon
19/07 PMPastor D Wilson“Canon Confirmed” Readings: 2 Timothy 3:10-4:8, 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 Open Watch Sermon.
12/07 AMPastor D Wilson“Nature & Revelation”
Reading: Romans 1:16-32
Open열다Watch Sermon
12/07 PMElder Jae Kim"Boasting like a Christian"
Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (read from 11:16)
Open열다Watch Sermon
05/07 AMBr Jack Ku"Be Awake and Alert"
Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Open열다Watch live stream
05/07 PMPastor D Wilson"Deliver us from Ourselves"
Reading: Matthew 6:5-15
OpenWatch live stream
28 06 AMPastor D Wilson"Covenantal Purpose" Reading: Genesis 15Open열다Watch live stream
28 06 PMPastor J Haverland"A Plague from the Lord" Reading: Joel 1OpenWatch live stream
21 06 AMPastor D Wilson"Confrontation and Confession" Reading: James 5:13-20Open열다Watch live stream
21 06 PmPastor D Wilson"Don't Forgive Me, Unless I Forgive!" Reading: Matthew 6:9-15OpenWatch live stream
14 06 AMVicar N Rademaker"Entertaining Angels"
Reading: Hebrews 13:2
Open열다Watch live stream
14 06 PMPastor D Wilson"Don't Demand Steak - Ask for Bread" Reading: Matthew 6:9-34OpenWatch live stream
07 06 AMVicar N Rademaker“Two Ways” Reading: Psalm 1Open열다Open
07 06 PMElder Jae Kim“A Sincere and Pure Devotion to Christ” Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 11Open열다OPen
31 05 AMPastor D Wilson"Christ is the Power of Prayer" Reading: James 5:13-18Open열다Open
31 05 PMVicar N Rademaker"Sons not Slaves" Reading: Galatians 3:1-4:31 (Text: 4:1-7)OpenOpen
24 05 AMVicar N Rademaker"Dying to Live" Reading: Galatians 2 (Text: 2:17-21),
Romans 7:7-25, Belgic Confession 22
24 05 PMVicar N Rademaker"The Resurrection of the Body" Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58OpenOpen
17 05 AMPastor D Wilson"The Way LIFE Works!" Reading: James 5:1-12 (Text: v. 7-12)Open열다Open
17 05 PMVicar N Rademaker"God's Amazing Gift of Love!" Reading: Ezekiel 18 + John 3 (Text: John 3:16)OpenOpen
10 05 AMVicar N Rademaker"False News" Reading: Galatians 1:6-10Open열다Open
10 05 PMVicar N Rademaker"Present Today in Paradise!" Reading: Luke 23:39-53 (text: v. 43) and Heidelberg Catechism LD 22OpenOpen
03 05 AMPastor D Wilson"An Old Fashioned Oracle" Reading: II Thessalonians 1:3-12 Text: James 5:1-6 Open열다Open
03 05 PMVicar N Rademaker "Praise the LORD for His faithfulness!" Reading: Psalm 146OpenOpen
26 04 AMPastor D Wilson“He Changes Everything…” Reading: James 4:6-5:12 Text: James 4:13-17 Open열다Open
26 04 PMVicar N Rademaker "Praise the LORD for His faithfulness!" Reading: Psalm 146See 3 May PM
19 04 AMPastor D Wilson"Judging or Not" Reading: Matthew 7:1-6, 15-23 and James 4:11-12Open열다Open
19 04 PMPastor D Wilson"Make Me Live for Christ" Readings: Heidelberg Catechism LD 49
Philippians 1:18-26 and Matthew 6:5-15
12 04 AMPastor D Wilson"Resurrection Response" reading: Matthew 28Open열다Open
12 04 PMPastor D Wilson" Conquer this World!" Reading Matthew 6:5-15OpenOpen
Elder Jae Kim"The King Who Didn’t Save Himself" readings: Isaiah 52:13–53:12; Matthew 27:11-31 and Matthew 27:32-50Open열다Open
05 04 AMPastor D Wilson"Spiritual Adultery Part #2" Reading: Romans 7 Text: James 4:6-10Open열다Open
05 04 PMPastor D Wilson"Yoda Prayer?!" Readings: Ezekiel 1, Heidelberg Catechism LD 47 and Matthew 6:5-15OpenOpen
29 03 AMPastor D Wilson“Spiritual Adultery” Reading: Ephesians 5:22-33; Text: James 4:1-6Open열다Open
29 03 PMElder Jae Kim"The Chain Reaction of Charis" Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:1-15 Open열다Open
22 03 AMVicar N Rademaker“Babel and Beyond” Scripture readings: Genesis 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-13 We are sorry for the distorted sound on the Video. MP3 sounds better.Open열다Open
22 03 PMPastor A Holtslag"Faith Fed at Font and Table" Reading: Genesis 17:9-14; Romans 4:11; John 14:16-21OpenOpen
15 03 AMPastor D Wilson"Demonic or Heavenly Wisdom!" Reading: James 3Open열다Open
15 03 PMBrother Jack Ku"There is No Distinction or Boasting in Christ" Reading: Romans 3:21-31OpenOpen
08 03 AMElder Jae Kim"Godward Grief" reading: 2 Cor 7:2-16Open열다Open
08 03 PMVicar N Rademaker"Fall, Curse and Blessings...Again" reading: Genesis 9:18-10:32Open
01 03 AMVicar N Rademaker"God's Covenant of Preservation" Scripture readings: Genesis 8:21-9:17 and Revelation 4Open열다Open
01 03 PMRev D van Garderen"Enduring and Growing as Christ’s Own" Scripture reading: Hebrews 12:1-17OpenOpen
23/02 AMRev D Van Garderen“The Need to Live by Faith” reading: Hebrews 11:1-40Open열다Open
23/02 PMPastor A Holtslag“Instructions for the Church” Scripture reading: 1 Timothy 1-2OpenOpen
16/02 AMVicar N Rademaker“Kingdom Devastation and Deliverance” readings: Genesis 6:9-8:22 & 2 Peter 3:1-13Open열다Open
16/02 PMElder Jae Kim“The Beautiful Exchange” reading: Philippians 3:4-9 & 2 Corinthians 5:16–6:2Open열다Open
9/02 AMPastor D Wilson"Hell-Fire Tongues" Reading: James 3:1-12Open열다
9/02 PMVicar N Rademaker"Two Lines, or One?" Reading: Genesis 4:17-24, 5:1-6:8Open
2/02 AMPastor D Wilson"True Faith Completed" Reading: James 2:14-26Open열다
2/02 PMVicar N Rademaker"The Seed of the Woman" Reading: Genesis 4:1-16 + 25-26Open
26/01 AMPastor D Wilson"True Faith Works!" Reading: James 2:14-26Open열다
26/01 PMPastor D Wilson"Survey of Church Leadership" Reading: Selections from Acts ( Some sound is missing on the video and out of Sync)Open
19/01 AMPastor D Wilson"True Faith Judges Rightly!" Reading: James 2:1-13Open열다
!9/01 PMPastor D Wilson"Our Heavenly Father" Reading: Matthew 6:5-15Open
12/01 AMVicar N RademakerKingdom Peace Shattered (Pt. 2): Consequences for Rebellion Scripture readings: Genesis 3:8-24
12/01 PMBr Jack Ku"Walk in the Light" Scripture Reading: 1 John 1:1-11Open
5/01 AMElder Jae Kim" By Faith, Not By Sight" Readings; 2 Corinthians 4:7-5:8 & 2 Corinthians 6:3-10
5/01 PMElder M Bradley" Don't Stop Praying" ( and if you have, start again). readings: Luke 11: 1-13 Text 5-13. sermon by
Dr J Ligon Duncan