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Sermons 2021

Sermons 2021

2021Preached by:Sermon title and ReadingsSermon only.
Korean translation.
Video link.
D Wilson
"The Greater Israel has Come!"
Reading: Matthew 3:13-4:11
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26/12 PMPastor
D Wilson
"Worship God's Way" Reading: John 4:19-26
WCF 21:1-6
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D Wilson
"Giving the Greatest Gift!"
Reading: Matthew 2:1-12
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19/12 AMPastor
D Wilson
"The Questionable Pregnancy" Readings: Luke 1:26-45+56; Matthew 1:18-25Open열다 Watch Live Stream
19/12 PMElder
M Short
"Complete Certainty in Christ" Readings: Isaiah 40:9-20 Colossians 1:15-20 and 1 John 5:13-21 (Written by Rev. David Waldron)OpenWatch Live Stream
12/12 AMPastor
D Wilson
"God's Grace for the Unfaithful" Reading: Matthew 1:1-17Open열다 Watch Live Stream
12/12 PMElder
J Ku
"Jesus the only King" Readings: Matthew 4:12-17; Isaiah 5:1:7, 9:1-7OpenWatch Live Stream
05/12 AMPastor
D Wilson
"The Eternal Hallelujah!"
Text: Psalm 146
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05/12 PMPastor
D Wilson
"Freedom to Obey" Text: Galatians 5:1-18 WCF Ch. 20OpenWatch Live Stream
28/11 AMPastor
D Wilson
“Putting Life in Perspective” Text: Psalm 73Open열다 Watch Live Stream
28/11 PMPastor
D Wilson
“The Enduring Law” Readings: Romans 5:12-14, 7:1-25, 8:1-17, Genesis 1:26-28 + 2:15-17 + WCF 19 (all)Watch Live Stream
21/11 AMPastor
D Wilson
: “God Delivers…” Reading: 2 Samuel 15:7-37 & 16:5-14 Text: Psalm 3 Open열다 Watch Live Stream
21/11 PMPastor
J Hyslop
"The Church of Christ” Readings: John 10:1-18; HC LD 21, q54,
Ephesians 2:11-22
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14/11 AMPastor
D Wilson
“The Pleasant Poison” Readings: Ephesians 4:17-5:2, Hebrews 12:1-19, 28-29Open열다 Watch Live Stream
14/11 PMPastor
A Holtslag
"How You Can Know and Confirm Your Election"
Reading: 2 Peter 1:1-11
07/11 AMPastor
D Wilson
“Complications and Forgiveness” readings: 1 Corinthians 6:1-11, Matthew 18: 15-20 Open열다 Watch Live Stream
07/11 PMPastor
D Wilson
“Perseverance, NOT Paranoia” Reading: WCF Chapter 17 Text: Romans 8:28-39OpenWatch Live Stream
31/10 AMPastor
D Wilson
“How to handle Spills…” readings: Luke 6:27-42, 1Corinthians 13 Text: 1 Peter 4:7-19Open열다 Watch Live Stream
31/10 PMPastor
D Wilson
“True Repentance” Reading: Luke 19:1-10; Isaiah 40:1-11, WCF chapter 15 Text: Luke 3:1-20OpenWatch Live Stream
24/10 AMPastor
D Wilson
“Sin’s Deadly Consequences” Texts: 2 Samuel 12, Exodus 22:1-9Open열다 Watch Live Stream
24/10 PMPastor
D Wilson
“Got Good Works?!” WCF 16 (out of order for Eph.2 continuity) Reading: Philippians 2:1-7 Text: Ephesians 2:10 OpenWatch Live Stream
17/10 AMPastor
D Wilson
"Don't Follow Your Feelings!" Reading: Matthew 18:15-35; Luke 17:1-10Open열다 Watch Live Stream
17/10 PMPastor
D Wilson
"You have nothing... But God is gracious" Reading: Westminster Confession Ch.14 Readings: Romans 9:13-24 and Eph. 2:1-10OpenWatch Live Stream
10/10 AMPastor
D Wilson
"Don't Throw Your Brother in Jail!" Readings: Luke 17:1-10; Matthew 18:1-20 Reading: Matthew 18:21-35Open열다 Watch Live Stream
10/10 PMPastor
D Wilson
"Sinners to Saints, Part 2" Reading: selections from Ephesians 4 & 5 Reading: Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16OpenWatch Live Stream
03/10 AMPastor
D Wilson
"The Pursuit of the Lost Sheep" Reading: 2 Tim. 2:22-26, Matt. 18:15-20Open열다 Watch Live Stream
03/10 PMPastor
D Wilson
"Making Ugly Sinners Beautiful" 1 of 2
Text: John 16:5-15
WCF Ch. 13
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26/09 AMPastor
D Wilson
"How Grace Responds to Sin"
Text: Matthew 18:1-15
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26/09 PMPastor
D Wilson
"Your Glorious Adoption"
Text: Galatians 3:26-4:7
WCF Ch. 12
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19/09 AMPastor
D Wilson
"What is Forgiveness?!"
Text: Ephesians 4:29-5:2
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19/09 PMPastor
D Wilson
"Justifcation Applied"
Text: Philippians 3:7-4:1
WCF Ch. 11:4-6
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12/09 AMPastor
D Wilson
"Christ Risen and Reigning"
Text: Mark 16
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12/09 PMPastor
D Wilson
"The Alien Righteousness"
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
WCF Ch. 11
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05/09 AMPastor
D Wilson
"Hope for the Hopeless!"
Text: Mark 15:40-16:20
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05/09 PMPastor
D Wilson
"The Called Will Come"
Text: John 10:1-30
WCF Ch. 10
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D Wilson
"The Darkest Day"
Text: Mark 15:1-41
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29/08 PMPastor
D Wilson
"The Freedom God Gives"
Text: Romans 6:1-14
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D Wilson
"How Far We Fall!" Text: Mark 14:12-72Open열다Watch Live Stream
22/08 PMPastor
A Holtslag
"Christian Living – the Fear of the Lord" Text: 1 Peter 1:17-21Watch Live Stream
15/08 AMElder
J Ku
"The Passover Lamb of God"
Reading: Deuteronomy 16:1-8
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15/08 PMElder
J Ku
"Our Only Comfort" Reading: Romans 8:18-39 OpenWatch Live Stream
08/08 AMPastor
D Wilson
"Opposite Ends of the Spectrum"
Text: Mark 14:1-11
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08/08 PMPastor
D Wilson
"Created Free, but now Fallen"
Text: Romans 5:12-21, & 6:15-23,
Westminster Confession 9:1-3
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01/08 AMElder/student
B Cooper
“Since You are the Son of God”
Text: Luke 4:1-13
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01/08 PMPastor
D Wilson
"Two Cents Worth" Texts: Mark 12:35-44, Matt. 6:1-4 Open열다Watch Live Stream
25/07 AMPastor
D Wilson
"An Exciting Day at the Temple"
Text: Mark 11
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25/07 PMPastor
D Wilson
"The Perfect Redeemer"
Reading: Westminster Chapter 8 Text: Reading: Ephesians 1:3-10
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18/07 AMPastor
D Wilson
"The Poverty of Riches"
Reading: Romans 7:7-8:1 Text: Mark 10:13-45
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18/07 PMPastor
D Wilson
"The Christ Covenant" Reading: WCF 7:3, 8:1,5,6 Text: Zechariah 6:9-15OpenWatch Live Stream
11/07 AMPastor
D Wilson
“Radical View of Sin” Reading: Romans 8:1-17 Text: Mark 9:42-50 Open열다Watch Live Stream
11/07 PMPastor
D Wilson
“The Completed Covenant” Texts: I Corinthians 10:1-13; Hebrews 9:11-10:4 OpenWatch Live Stream
04/07 AMPastor
D Wilson
"Dead Men Walking..." Readings: Philippians 3:1-11 Text: Mark 8:27-38
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04/07 PMElder
Jack Ku
‘The Healer of body and soul’ Reading: Isaiah 35:1-10 and Acts 3:1-26OpenWatch Live Stream
27/06 AMPastor
D Wilson
“Dirty from the Inside, Out” Reading: Acts 10:1-23 Text: Mark 7:1-23Open열다Watch Live Stream
27/06 PMPastor
D Wilson
“Covenant Crash Course” Reading: Genesis 15 Text: Genesis 1:27-30, 2:15-17 OpenWatch Live Stream
20/06 AM
D Wilson
"Miraculous Catering"
Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-16, Text: Mark 6:7-44
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20/06 PMPastor
D Wilson
"The Covenant that Didn't Work(s)"
Readings: Westminster 7:1-3 Text: Hosea 6:1-7
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13/06 AMPastor
D Wilson
“His Name was Legion” Reading: Mark 4:1-34 Text: Mark 5:1-20 Open열다Watch Sermon
13/06 PMPastor
D Wilson
“The Fall of All in Adam” Reading: Romans 5:12-21 Text: Genesis 3 OpenWatch Sermon
06/06 AMPastor
D Wilson
"The Perfect Storm" Reading: Mark 4:30-41Open열다Watch Live Stream
06/06 PM
Elder David Bilton"The Priest-King is Crowned" (by Rev David Waldron) Reading: Hebrews 7:1-3; 11-28 and Zechariah 6:9-15OpenWatch Live Stream
30/05 AMPastor
D Wilson
“Is He Mad, Bad or God?” Reading: Mark 3:1-19 Text: Mark 3:20-35Open열다Watch Live Stream
30/05 PMPastor
D Wilson
"A Tale of Two Kings" Reading: 2 Chronicles 31:20-32:8, 32:16-32 & Exodus 9:8-10:2OpenWatch Live Stream
23/05 AMPastor
D Wilson
"The 'Sinner' Scandal!" Reading: Mark 2:1-3:6Open열다Watch Live Stream
23/05 PMPastor
A Holtslag
“Glad Fathers and Rejoicing Mothers” readings: Matthew 13:44-46; John 20:26-27
(Text: Proverbs 23:22-25)
OpenWatch Live Stream
16/05 AMPastor
D Wilson
"The Kingdom Gospel" Reading: Mark 1:14-45Open열다Watch Live Stream
M Bradley
“How will the light keep shining” (By Rev David Waldron) Readings: Rev 2:1-7 & Zechariah 4:1-14 (Text)OpenWatch Live Stream
09/05 AMPastor
D Wilson
“The Successful Second…” Reading: Psalm 110 Text: Mark 1:9-13Open열다Watch Live Stream
09/05 PMPastor
P Boyd
"A Condidence We Can Enjoy" readings Hebrews10:1:18 Text: Hebrews:10:19-25OpenWatch Live Stream
02/05 AMPastor
D Wilson
"The Album of Christ" Reading: Mark 1:1-9Open열다Watch Live Stream
02/05 PMElder
M Short
"Jesus, the Cleansing Servant Branch” (by David Waldron) Reading: Hebrews 9:11-15 & Zechariah 3:1-10OpenWatch Live Stream
25/04 AMElder
D Petchell
"The Light of the World" readings: John 8: 12-30 and John 9Open열다Watch Live Stream
25/04 PMPastor
J Hyslop
"Deep Roots in God’s Word" reading: Nehemiah 8:1-12OpenWatch Live Stream
18/04 AMPastor
D Wilson
"Sign or Reality?" Reading: Romans 6:1-14Open열다Watch Sermon
18/04 PMElder F
den Hartigh
“Our Wickedness is taken away” Bible reading: Deuteronomy 28:1-6; 15-20 & 1 Cor 6:9-11 Text: Zechariah 5:1-11OpenWatch sermon
11/04 AMPastor
D Wilson
"Messages of Peace & Hell" Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-16; Romans 10:1-18 and Nahum 1:15-3:19Open열다Watch Live Stream
11/04 PMElder
D Bilton
"Building the Super City" Reading: Revelation 21:1-5; 22-27 Text: Zechariah 2:1-13OpenWatch Live Stream
04/04 AMPastor
D Wilson
"Resurrection blessings" Reading: Romans 6:8-18; 1 Corinthians 15:1-26; 1 Corinthians 15:50-58Open열다Watch Live Stream
04/04 PMElder F
den Hartigh
“Cursed, Covered, Carried away” reading: Zechariah 5:1-11OpenWatch Live Stream
Good FridayPastor
D Wilson
"It is Finished" Readings: Mark 15:16-20,33-39; John 19:30 and Romans 6:1-14OpenWatch Live Stream
28/03 AMElder
J Posthuma
“Down with the terrified horns!” Readings: Mark5:1-20; Zechariah 1:18-21Open열다Watch Live Stream
28/03 PMPastor
E Stolte
“Forsaken by God” Reading: Psalm 22; Text: Matthew 27: 45-46OpenWatch Live Stream
21/03 AMElder W
“Look up again! The Chariots are coming!"
Bible reading: Zechariah 6:1-8
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21/03 PMPastor
P Boyd
"Wonderful Grace" readings: Isaiah 40:18-31; Luke 19:1-10OpenWatch Live Stream
14/03 AMElder M
“Returning to Compassion” readings: Zechariah 1:7-17Open열다Watch Live Stream
14/03 PMPastor G
“The One Way of Salvation” readings: John14:1-6: HC LD 5 Text: Acts 4:12OpenWatch Live Stream
07/03 AMElder Brett
“Grace for All Sorts” readings: Luke 4:14-30 Text: 2 Kings 5:1-27Open열다Watch Live Stream
07/03 PMElder W
“Come back” readings: Matthew 7:21-27 and Haggai 1:1-15 text: Zechariah 1:1-6OpenWatch Live Stream
28/02 AMNo service due to Covid restrictions
28/02 PMNo service due to Covid restrictions
21/02 AMElder Peter
"A Mighty Victory for the Weak" Readings: Ex 20:1-21, 2 Cor 12:1-10, Judges 6:1-10, 7 Text: Judges 7Open열다Watch Live Stream
21/02 PMPastor
P Boyd
“Our Need and His Willingness" Readings: Psalm 51 and Mark 1:40-45OpenWatch Live Stream
14/02 AMElder.
Jack Ku
"The Mysterious Word of God" Readings: 1 Cor 2:6-16 and Luke 8:4-15 Open열다Watch Sermon
14/02 PMElder.
D Bilton
"Be a Weak Servant for the Lord" readings: Jeremiah 9:17-26; 2 Corinthians12 and 2 Corinthians 11:22-33 OpenWatch Sermon
07/02 AMElder Peter
"A Thundering Reminder for Distressed Souls" readings: Colossians 3:5-11; Exodus 14 Text: Psalm 77Open열다Watch Sermon
07/02 PMPastor
A Holtslag
"An Invitation to His Restful School from a Gentle Saviour" readings: Ezekiel 34:11-31 Text: Matt 11:28-30OpenWatch Sermon
31/01 AMRev
J Rogers
" The Eternal Purpose of God is the Eternal Glory of God (and that is in your best eternal interests!)” Reading: Ephesians 3:1-13 (text: vv.8-13)Open열다Watch Sermon
31/01 PMPastor
D Wilson
“The Good IN the Bad” readings: WCF 5:4,7 and Romans 8:18-39 OpenWatch Sermon
24/01 AMPastor
D Wilson
“Compassion which Crushes” Reading: Exodus 34:1-9 Text: Nahum 1 Open열다Watch Sermon
24/01 PMPastor
D Wilson
“Guiding, but NOT Guilty…” reading: James 1:2-18. WCF 5:4 Text: Acts 4:23-31 OpenWatch sermon
17/01 AMElder
M Bradley
The Lord, Our Home. ( by Ligon Duncan) Readings: Psalm 89; Text; Psalm 90OpenWatch Sermon
17/01 PMElder
J Posthuma
" The wonderful wide spread Ministry" readings; Ephesians 7:11-16; Luke 24: 13-27
Text: Joel 2:28-29 (by D Waldren)
OpenWatch Sermon
10/01 AMElder J Ku‘Pilgrims in a foreign land’ Readings: 1 Peter 2:10-25; Psalm 120Open열다Watch sermon
10/01 PMElder
J Posthuma
"Where will you dine" readings: Rev 19 vs 6-9; Proverbs 9OpenWatch sermon
03/01 AMVicar N,
" The Ultimate Test" readings: Hebrews 11:1-3 & 8-19; (text) Genesis 22 Open열다Watch Sermon
03/01 PMVicar N.
"The Cursed Cross" readings: Deuteronomy 27 &21:22-23 9 (Text) Galatians 3:10-14OpenWatch sermon