Welcome to the Reformed Church of the North Shore
one of the Reformed Churches of New Zealand.
We are a congregation of around 200 adults and children who meet together on Sundays and during the week because we share a common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our desire that through our worship and all other opportunities for fellowship, people will grow in their knowledge of God, and be motivated to live for Him on a daily basis.
Our church community is made up of people from various backgrounds and cultures, ranging in age from newly born to 80+, each bringing their own unique qualities to share.
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday at 10:30 am and 5:00 pm at 74 Trias Rd, Totara Vale, Auckland 0629, New Zealand.
The morning sermons are translated into Korean and are available in printed form in the foyer or can be downloaded from our website
A crèche is available for young children during the service. After the service, we’d love for you to join us for tea or coffee so that we can get to know you better.
You can also find more information about our church activities by clicking on the links above.
If you’d like to know more about what we mean by “Reformed”, here is some more information about what we believe.
For any queries, questions or comments, please email us at rcnsweb@gmail.com