Our Purpose
To glorify God through worthy worship, deliberate discipleship and intentional evangelism.
Our Vision
Maturing and multiplying disciples of Jesus in Auckland and Northland.
Our Goals
How we will achieve the vision
Church planting
- Support and grow the Reformed Church of the Hibiscus Coast and its outreach.
- Support and grow the Maungakaramea Reformed Church through outreach in its catchment area.
- Investigate further church planting opportunities.
- Shepherd the congregation towards full maturity in Christ (Col. 1:28).
- Train and appoint leaders in the church.
- Appoint at least one first-term office-bearer per year.
- Train, call or hire additional leaders and staff (e.g. second minister).
- Encourage and support men to enter the ministry.
- Support and guide Cadets and GEMS, Fellowship Groups, and the youth group.
- Mobilise members to serve and be active in the church’s ministries.
- Train North Shore members who can serve as Sunday School/Catechism teachers and Cadets and GEMS counsellors.
- Teach and encourage the congregation towards hospitality.
Diaconal Ministry
- Care for those in need in the church and in the community.
- Consider and investigate:
- Supporting the pro-life cause by becoming involved with crisis pregnancy centres and providing emergency housing.
- Setting up a Christian hostel
- Becoming involved with Christians Against Poverty (CAP).
- Support and cultivate passion for overseas missions.
- By organising more visits from the missionaries we support.