TELEPHONE: +64 (0)9 443 0672


To The Reformed Church of the North Shore

We Warmly Welcome You to Join Us in Worshipping God

We look forward to meeting you personally during our worship services.

Livestreaming Services

If you are unwell or physically unable to join us for worship, please continue to use our Livestream Services

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (ESV)

Who We Are

We are a congregation of around 200 adults and children who meet together on Sundays and during the week because we share a common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

What We Believe

The Reformed Churches obtain all their doctrines from the Bible. We confess that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments fully contain the will of God, and that whatever we ought to believe for salvation is sufficiently taught in them.


We organize Christ-centered activities with a twofold mission to Preach the Gospel and Feed the Sheep, including Cadets and GEMs, and many more.


We believe in Scripture-focused, expository preaching. To find past sermons, please head to our Resources section.

Join Us

We actively adjust the way we gather and worship in order to comply with the COVID-19 Framework. Please come visit us if you would like to join us physically or join us via our LiveStream Services.

Preaching Post

We have established preaching posts in Maungakaramea - services at 11 am every Sunday and Hibiscus Coast - services at 10.30 am.

Mission Minded

Planted by Christ to glorify God, proclaim Christ, teach the Bible, encourage growth to Christian maturity, serve others, reach the lost and advance God’s kingdom


Rev Daniel Wilson
Rev Kevin Star


John Posthuma, Wayne Bredemeijer
Joseph Sung, Don van Dorp
Stephan Venter, David Lee
Jonathan Herrera, Phil Ploeg
Michael Posthuma, Ian McCauley
Dae Won Suh, Ruven Duinkerke (MKRC)


Bill Voschezang, Ezra Alexander
Herman Victor, Justin Huang,
Bart Gysbertsen, Josh Turner, Wayne Ward (MKRC)

I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth....